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An Extra $40,660.29 in Your Pocket

By cutting the Administrator to Nurse/Midwife ratio down from 5 administrators per 10 nurses to just 1 administrators per 10 nurses, $8 Billion (~37% increase) will be available to pay nurses what they deserve.

We don't need a bigger budget to pay nurses/midwives more. Let us show you how...

Get Nurses/Midwives Paid $40,660.29 More


Based on analysis by NPAA, a shift to put nurses in charge of hospitals can create savings that can be reinvested in higher pay for nurses.

In Australia there are 5 administrators for every 10 nurses. In France and most of Europe, there is 1 administrator for every 10 nurses/midwives.

All References and detailed Calculations can be found at the bottom of the page. In summary, by reducing the Administrator to Nurse/Midwife ratio from 5:10 to 1:10 in Australia would cause a saving of 

  • QLD: $3,222,300,549.6 per year
  • NSW:  $ 2,195,101,480 per year
  • SA: $572,405,299.2 per year
  • Vic: $1,620,370,976.95 per year
  • WA: $699,940,756 per year

If these savings were passed on to nurses in the form of a pay rise, the government can afford to pay nurses on average 37% more without increasing the budget. 



Florence Nightingale invented the modern concept of hospitals and nurse training.

The Australian Health system originally started with locally run, autonomous hospitals.
There was very little bureaucracy in that system, a fact which does not suit the tribal network made up of politicians, the bureaucrats, and the trade unions. 


The current system does not exist for the benefit of patients and the public, or the frontline healthcare workers, but for the benefit of the tribal network - politicians, bureaucrats and unions..  

The system of a massive, centralised health bureaucracy is bloated with excessive numbers of administrators created to benefit the tribal network in Australia.

For every 10 nurses in France, their health system has 1 administrator.

For every 10 nurses in Australia, our health system has at least 5 administrators.

You can’t have adequate numbers of professional well paid nurses and a massive bureaucracy.

You have to choose one or the other. If you insist on a massive bureaucracy, nurses will be underpaid, overworked and bullied.


The Math:

*References can be found at bottom


Putting nurses in charge of our hospitals and having less administrators running hospitals out of Queensland would cause a saving of ($3,222,300,549.6 per year)

Ave administrator salary per year in QLD Health = $100,881

Total reduction in administrators = 18000

Total savings to spend on nurses = $1,815,858,000

Increase in pay per nurse = $40,352.4

Average nurse salary in QLD Health = $107,601

Total percentage increase = 37.5%

This means there are 22500 administrators in QLD (costing $2,269,822,500 per annum). 

If we did 1 administrator for every 10 nurses that would be 4500 administrators in QLD (costing $453,964,500 per annum)


New South Wales:

Putting nurses in charge of our hospitals and having less administrators running hospitals out of NSW would cause a saving of ($ 2,195,101,480 per year)

Ave administrator salary per year in NSW Health = $99,777.34

Total reduction in administrators =  22000

Total savings to spend on nurses = $ 2,195,101,480

Increase in pay per nurse = $39910.94

Average nurse salary in NSW Health = $103,724.4

Total percentage increase = 38.5%

This means there are 27500 administrators in NSW (costing $2,743,876,850 per annum) .

If we did 1 administrator for every 10 nurses that would be 5500 administrators in NSW (costing $548,775,370 per annum).


South Australia:

Putting nurses in charge of our hospitals and having less administrators running hospitals out of SA Health would cause a saving of ($572,405,299.2 per year)

Ave administrator salary per year in SA Health = $88728.5

Total reduction in administrators =  6451.2

Total savings to spend on nurses = $572,405,299.2

Increase in pay per nurse = $35491.4

Average nurse salary in SA Health = $103,204.5

Total percentage increase = 34.4%

This means there are 8064 administrators in SA (costing $715,506,624 per annum) 

If we did 1 administrator for every 10 nurses that would be 1612.8 administrators in SA Health (costing $143,101,324.8 per annum).



Putting nurses in charge of our hospitals and having less administrators running hospitals out of Vic DH would cause a saving of ($1,620,370,976.95 per year)

Ave administrator salary per year in Vic DH = $106,451.8

Total reduction in administrators = 15221.64

Total savings to spend on nurses = $1,620,370,976.95

Increase in pay per nurse = $42,580.72

Average nurse salary in Vic DH = $101,988.952

Total percentage increase = 41.75%

38,054.1 FTE nurses in Victoria  

5 administrators for every 10 nurses in Victoria means there are 19,027.05 administrators in Victoria (costing $2,025,463,721.19 per annum) .

If we did 1 administrator for every 10 nurses that would be 3805.41 administrators in Vic DH (costing $405,092,744.238 per annum).


Western Australia:

Putting nurses in charge of our hospitals and having less administrators running hospitals out of WA Health  would cause a saving of ($699,940,756 per year)

Ave administrator salary per year in WA Health = $112,415

Total reduction in administrators = 6226.4

Total savings to spend on nurses = $699,940,756

Increase in pay per nurse = $44,966

Average nurse salary in WA Health = $122,532

Total percentage increase = 36.7%

15,566 FTE nurses in WA Health 

5 administrators for every 10 nurses in WA means there are 7783 administrators in WA (costing $874,925,945 per annum) .

If we did 1 administrator for every 10 nurses that would be 1556.6 administrators in WA Health (costing $174,985,189 per annum).




Ave administrator salary per year in QLD Health


QLD Health nurse salary average


New South Wales:

55,000 FTE nurses in NSW Health 


Average nurse salary in NSW Health


Ave administrator salary per year in NSW Health


South Australia:

16,128 FTE nurses in SA Health


Average nurse salary in SA Health


Ave administrator salary per year in SA Health - data found here:



38,054.1 FTE nurses in Victoria https://vpsc.vic.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/SOPS-Workforce-2022-Employment-numbers-over-time.xlsx 

Average nurse salary 


Ave administrator salary per year https://www.vhia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Bul-2722-Attachment-A.pdf

Western Australia:

Average nurse salary 


Ave administrator salary per year 
