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NPAA Case Win #1372 - Breaking the Cycle of Workplace Abuse

How NPAa Helped Our Nurse Member Regain Control

Picture this - you wake up every morning, dreading...

NPAA Case Win #1368 - Empowering Frontline Nurses: How NPAA Advocates for Better Working Conditions Through EB Negotiations

NPAA's Commitment to Taking Action for Nurses

Enterprise Bargaining (EB) negotiations are more than...

NPAA Case Win #1361 - From Stress to Success: How NPAA Transformed a Member's Work Environment

Standing Up Against Harassment and Bullying, Another Success Story from NPAA

Working to support a...

NPAA Case Win #1356 - NPAA Beats Bullies… again!

From a Parking Fine to the Removal of a Bullying Manager:How NPAA Empowered an Entire Team to Speak...

NPAA Case Win #1349 - Contract Chaos $18,000 WIN

Holding Employers Accountable:
How NPAA Empowers Nurse Members to Fight for Their Contractual Rights

NPAA Case Win #1342 - NPA Nurse Beats Bullies - WorkCover & Transfer Success

Many workplaces, particularly in healthcare, have a toxic culture. When the system is run by...

NPAA Case Win #1338 - $12,000 Allegations Retracted. Settlement Paid.

Being vindicated from the suspicion of any wrongdoing is a great feeling. Having a settlement paid...

NPAA Case Win #1327 Getting Things Done: Staff Ratios

As a nurse, providing care to patients can be both rewarding and challenging.One of the biggest...

NPAA Case Win #1316 Threat of De-Registration Lifted

A nurse member was notified that a complaint had been made against them with AHPRA, they were...

Aged care workers miss out on pay promise

Many aged care workers who thought they were going to receive a long overdue pay rise in the new...