Protect Our Nurses: Demand Safe & Affordable Hospital Parking Now
Our nurses save lives every day. But right now, many are forced to risk their own safety just to get to work, walking through dark, isolated areas at night because they can't afford or access secure hospital parking.
The Crisis
- Nurses paying up to $40 per shift just to park safely for work
- Healthcare workers being stalked, harassed and threatened
- Staff arriving hours early to secure safe parking spots
- Nurses declining critical afternoon or night shifts due to safety fears
- Parents forced to wake children late at night for pickups
- Staff facing fines for parking in safer locations
The Human Cost
- Verbal and physical harassment
- Objects thrown at staff
- Threatening encounters in dark areas
- Isolation in unlit parking zones
- Financial strain from excessive fees
- Added stress before and after exhausting shifts

We Demand
- Free or heavily subsidised secure parking for all nursing staff
- Priority parking allocations for afternoon/night shift workers
- Proper lighting and security monitoring
- Emergency duress alarms in all staff parking areas
- Regular security patrols during shift changes
- Safe walkways between parking and hospital entrances
Why This Matters
When nurses can't safely get to and from their vehicles, it impacts:
- Patient care as staff decline critical shifts
- Hospital staffing levels
- Worker retention
- Healthcare worker wellbeing
- Quality of care from stressed staff
- Worker mental health
Our nurses deserve to feel safe going to and from work. They shouldn't have to choose between financial hardship and personal safety just to care for our community.
Sign this petition to demand immediate action from hospital management and government to protect our essential healthcare workers.
Every signature helps protect those who protect us. Stand with our nurses today.