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3 min read

5 Tips for Nursing New Graduates

Congratulations on starting your grad year—it's a journey full of challenges and growth. Here are some tips to help you along the way:


1. Be Patient with YourselfNew Grad Tips Icon 1

There is a reason grad programs are at least one year. Everyone has different strengths & learning styles. It personally took me 8 months to not feel nervous about turning up to work!


2. Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone New Grad Tips Icon 2

The way to become comfortable with new things is by doing them! If it is within your scope of practice, allocate time in your shift & make sure you have the right resources & support.


3. Be Honest - Not Over ConfidentNew Grad Tips Icon 3

There are no winners if you pretend to know something that you don’t. You will have embarrassing moments and make mistakes. It’s normal. Ask questions if you need to and admit if you need help or support


4. Remind Yourself of What You Know New Grad Tips Icon 4

When faced with something unfamiliar it is easy to let it overwhelm you. In this situation remind yourself of the things you know how to do (eg. obs, basic assessments etc.)

Then identify and isolate the 1 or 2 things you need help with. This can make the task far less daunting and gives senior nurses a better idea of how to assist you.


New Grad Tips Icon 55. Book a Holiday!

This is going to be a big year and there will be days that you need something to look forward to. You don’t want to burn out.

Lock in some time for yourself away from work (Ps. Get in early. Nursing rosters are more competitive than “The Bachelor’)


The NPAA is here to support you throughout your journey, we are committed to protecting the rights of our members and ensuring that they have a safe and healthy workplace. 

Why is the NPAA different? We believe that real change in healthcare STARTS with empowering frontline nurses, not bureaucrats.

We invite you to experience the support, protection, and advocacy of NPAA yourself.

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Best of luck in your nursing journey!