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Workplace Bullying in Nursing

Understanding and Addressing Bullying in Nursing

Workplace bullying is a pervasive issue that can leave deep emotional scars and disrupt lives. Sadly, this issue is far too prevalent in the nursing and healthcare industries, adding to an already stressful career. 

Bullying can manifest in various ways, from blatant physical aggression like hitting and pushing, to more subtle but equally damaging actions such as verbal insults, social exclusion, or the spreading of malicious rumours. In today's digital age, it can even extend to online harassment, making victims feel unsafe both at work and in their personal lives.

Bullying typically involves a power imbalance, where the bully exerts control over an individual or group, causing emotional, psychological, or physical distress. This destructive behaviour not only undermines the dignity and confidence of those affected but can have a detrimental effect on workplace culture and productivity.

Recognising and addressing bullying is crucial to creating safe environments within workplaces.

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