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Case Win: NPAA Secures Fair Pay for Overworked Healthcare Legal Professional

A legal professional with extensive experience started at a new workplace, initially classified at...

Dual Degree, Single Policy: NPAA's PI Insurance for Nurses & Paramedics

Simplify Your Professional Life with One Comprehensive Policy

As a professional with a dual degree...

Workplace Support for Midwives

Midwifery is a rewarding yet challenging profession, where midwives often find themselves...

Support for Nursing New Graduates

Congratulations on completing your nursing education! As you step into the professional world, it's...

Why Switching from ANMF to NPAA is a Smart Move for Nurses!

Maximise your workplace protection and support by joining the NPAA. Learn why nurses and midwives...

10 Nursing Tips for Success

Nursing is a rewarding yet demanding profession that requires dedication and skill. Whether you're...

5 Tips for Nursing New Graduates

Congratulations on starting your grad year—it's a journey full of challenges and growth. Here are...

Victorian Nurses Bargaining Update 03/07/24

Adam Collyer, our lead negotiator for the Nurses and Midwives (Victorian Public Sector) (Single...

Workplace Support For Agency Nurses

Benefits of NPAA Membership for Agency Nurses

Agency nurses are essential to our healthcare system,...