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Recent news from the NPAA community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to Australian Nurses.

Dual Degree, Single Policy: NPAA's PI Insurance for Nurses & Paramedics

Simplify Your Professional Life with One Comprehensive Policy

As a professional with a dual degree...

Case Win: Navigating Unfair Dismissals

Advocacy & Support for Nurses

In the workplace unfair dismissal is a topic that strikes at the core...

Workplace Support for Midwives

Midwifery is a rewarding yet challenging profession, where midwives often find themselves...

Q&A with Pip Rice, Clinical Nurse Educator & NPAV President

A Journey Through Nursing, Education, and Leadership

My name is Pip Rice, I’m a registered nurse...

Support for Nursing New Graduates

Congratulations on completing your nursing education! As you step into the professional world, it's...

Case Win: Navigating Allegations in Nursing

Advocacy & Support for Nurses

Navigating allegations of misconduct can be complex and challenging. 

Case Win: Documentation Issues

Advocacy & Support for Nurses

Upon return from sick leave Sasha, a member of the NPAA New South...

Workplace Bullying in Nursing

Understanding and Addressing Bullying in Nursing

Workplace bullying is a pervasive issue that can...

Case Win: Maternity Leave Entitlements in Nursing

Advocacy & Support for Nurses

For many contract workers, securing maternity leave benefits can be...

Why Switching from ANMF to NPAA is a Smart Move for Nurses!

Maximise your workplace protection and support by joining the NPAA. Learn why nurses and midwives...